Meal Planner app


The aim of the app is to provide a way to plan your meals for the current week and the proceeding two weeks, the app also lets you keep a record of items you have in the cupboard, fridge and freezer, as well as a shopping list. You can also maintain a list of your favourite recipes.

Week tabs

Tapping a given day allows you to edit the values entered.  On the Next+1 tab there is the ability to "copy over" so that the values on the Next tab become the values for the tab This and the values on the tab Next+1 become the values for the tab Next, the Next+1 tab is then reset as blank.

In Lists 

There are four lists available, In Cupboard, In Fridge, In Freezer and a Shopping List, at the top of the shopping list the title shows the date for "next week" to help when buying your groceries.

Optionally, you can create additional lists for shopping, this will allow you to maintain separate shopping lists for different stores.

You can also create additional lists for cupboard, fridge & freezer.

To create an additional list, tap the navigation menu icon in the app bar and tap settings, tap the add button to create a new list.

Additional lists can be edited by swiping to the right or deleted by swiping to the left, you can select the required category (shopping, cupboard, fridge, or freezer list) from the end drawer.

Within the shopping basket & various list pages, use the end-drawer to select the required list. Note: if you have updated a list and not saved, switching to another list will auto-save any changes, tap the back arrow to exit the list, cancelling any unsaved changes.

Recipe List

The recipes page lets you keep a list of your favourite recipes, simply create a new entry and paste in the web-link to the recipe, these recipes can then be viewed in the app.  Swipe a given row to the left to delete it and swiping to the right will show the options to edit or view the recipe, to delete multiple entries, long-press and select one or more cards and then tap the delete icon in the app bar.

Icons used in this app are made by

Technical Info

initialPlayStoreUpload: 24-Feb-2021

lastUpdated: 05-Jul-2024

currentVersion: 1.32

languageUsed: Flutter v3.22.2, Dart v3.4.3

change history

v1.32 (05-Jul-2024)

v1.31 (01-Mar-2024)

v1.30 (19-Sep-2023)

v1.29 (31-Jul-2023)

v1.27 (24-Apr-2023)

v1.24 (21-Mar-2023)

v1.23 (04-Jan-2023)

v1.22 (17-Oct-2022)

v1.21 (14-Oct-2022)

v1.19 (27-Jul-2022)

v1.17 (13-Jun-2022)

v1.16 (05-May-2022)

v1.14 (30-Mar-2022)

v1.13 (21-Feb-2022)

v1.12 (10-Jan-2022)