Hang-eddie-Man Quiz app
Welcome to Hang ‘Eddie’ Man, a hangman inspired game with 300 questions about British rock band Iron Maiden.
Tap the play icon and the game will start, the number of questions per game is 10.
When the game starts, you have five attempts to guess the answer from two clues, one of the clues is Maiden specific and the other clue may be related to Maiden or could be general knowledge, if you guess the answer within five attempts you will save Eddie but take more than five attempts and Eddie will hang.
You can skip a question if required, caution, this counts to the "Eddie hung" tally.
From the home screen, you can see the results from the ‘last game’ and ‘all games’ you played.
Icons used in this app are made by https://www.freepik.com
Technical Info
initialPlayStoreUpload: 07-Jul-2021
lastUpdated: 13-Jan-2025
currentVersion: 1.26
languageUsed: Flutter v3.27.1, Dart v3.6.0, DevTools 2.40.2
change history
v1.26 (13-Jan-2025)
upgraded Gradle to v8.10.2 & AGP dependency to v8.8.0
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.25 (02-Dec-2024)
additional 60 questions
redesigned home screen & game page
upgraded AGP dependency to v8.7.2
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.24 (08-Oct-2024)
additional 120 questions
upgraded Gradle to v8.9 & AGP dependency to v8.7.0
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.22 (03-Jun-2024)
updated app to support foldable devices
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.21 (02-May-2024)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.20 (20-Feb-2024)
upgraded to Flutter v3.19.0, Dart 3.3.0 & Kotlin v1.9.22
upgraded Gradle to v8.2.2
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.19 (13-Dec-2023)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.18 (23-Oct-2023)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.17 (05-Oct-2023)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.16 (01-Oct-2023)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.15 (04-Sep-2023)
upgraded to Flutter v3.13.1, Dart v3.1 & Kotlin v1.9.0
upgraded Gradle to v8 & AGP dependency to v8.1.1
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.14 (02-Aug-2023)
upgraded to Flutter v3.10 & Dart v3.0
upgraded to latest Flutter & Gradle dependencies
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.12 (24-Feb-2023)
migrated to Material3 design
upgraded to latest Flutter & Gradle dependencies
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.11 (16-Jan-2023)
upgrade Gradle to v7.5 & AGP dependency to v7.4.0
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.10 (15-Oct-2022)
upgraded to Flutter v3.3
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.9 (18-Jul-2022)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
upgraded to Kotlin v1.7.10
v1.8 (08-Jun-2022)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
upgraded to Flutter v3.0, Kotlin v1.7, Gradle plugin v7.4 and Android Gradle plugin v7.1.3
v1.7 (04-May-2022)
upgraded to latest Flutter & Gradle dependencies
v1.6 (29-Mar-2022)
upgraded to latest Flutter dependencies
v1.5 (07-Feb-2022)
added launch splash screen
upgraded to latest Flutter dependencies